Monday, August 16, 2010

Jasmine Green Tea and White Chocolate Macaron

Once I tried the White Chocolate and Jasmine Green Tea Macaron at La Renaissance Cafe, I was in lurvvvvve~!
I had to give this a shot myself.
Unfortunately, macarons have always been difficult for me. This Just didn't want to work. Three batches of macaron. None of them successful.
However, I feel that 160°C for 18mins might be the optimal temperature for my oven.
The recipe said let it sit for 1 hour, i think it might have been too long and the recipe was also rather dense. I will try a different recipe next time, without as much sugar and almond.

The White Chocolate Ganache filling recipe:
200g White Chocolate, chopped.
150ml Cream (35% fat, not that it makes much difference in this case, but it just so happen to be the cream i had.)
2 teabags of Jasmine Green Tea

  1. Heat the cream in a small pot. Once it starts to simmer, drop in the tea bags and let them brew. Using a teaspoon to press the bags every so often until you are satisfied with the strength of the tea.
  2. In the meantime, melt the white chocolate in a large heatproof bowl sitting about a pot of simmering water, make sure the bowl doesn't touch the water. Remove from the heat once all the chocolate is melted.
  3. Pour the cream into the white chocolate and whisk to mix.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until needed (I should thicken up by then)
  5. Once cooled, whip it up and spoon it into a piping bag , I don't use any piping nozzle, just cut the tip off and pipe onto one macaron and sandwich with another.

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