I can't believe I am already into the 2nd month of 2012...
And I cannot believe that this blog was stagnant for a whole year... well, I could, there was so much to deal with in terms of... well .. life.
This year, I hope to start afresh... without actually starting a new blog. However, I hope that rather than just food, it will also be about my other creative (and not-so-creative) endeavors.
I love Re-ment miniatures and I love Fairyland's Pukipukis.
This was taken for a Ball-Jointed Doll photography competition.
I realise now, I do not have much spare room in my bedroom to even set up a doll sized room, let alone a doll house...so I borrowed my sister's desk. So miniature cakes, mini handmade bunting, handmade stars, fabric, ribbon, boxes and a glass candle holder later, voila!
There was much more elements to the whole scene, but I found it difficult to capture.
There was also some shaving cream involved as I had always wanted to do a cake face shoot, I am a bit weary of what I put on my dolls as oils and chemicals may affect their resin. I am not certain if this achieved my idea of an over-indulgent-love-of-cake scene, but it is so bright and colourful, I like it.
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